Pursuing individualized academic excellence for each student.

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    The Vision of Tomorrow

    Preparing our children to lead the future by giving them the tools to succeed.

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    The Power of Reading

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    Let's take a JOURNEY TOGETHER and go the distance.
    We are determined.
    We are committed.
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As a school founded on faith and holistic principles, Blackwell-Lessard Montessori Academy (BLMA), being a multicultural educational institution, believes that all children, youth and adults deserve a safe, nurturing and stimulating learning environment. In following with the Montessori and Psycho-Educational Philosophy, BLMA strives to foster the student’s independence and help guide each person to reach her or his full potential as a young entrepreneur. BLMA is committed, through our Psycho Educational Program, to building a strong foundation for a community that houses children, youth, parents and staff who are effective problem solvers; by utilizing sound educational values and cognitive reconstruction principles to nurture into being safe, healthy, whole, independently confident and bi-lingual students, starting with infants.

Blackwell-Lessard Montessori Academy recognizes that the Montessori method of educating is one of the only teaching strategies that does not educate the creativity out of our children; recognizing that an entrepreneurial mind-set is a mind-set that is free to dream and hope of and on an invisible possibility.


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Online Courses

These courses deliver a series of lessons to a web browser or mobile device, to be conveniently accessed anytime, anyplace.

Questions & Comments

Be it a verbal or written remark expressing your opinion or reaction, BLMA wants to hear from you.

A “Quantum Leap” in education equals a “Quantum Leap” in relationships between parents, students, educators, communities; all making one nation.

Education Care & Environment

Placing emphasis on developing the whole child - attending to his or her social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs
to establish a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing.

Removing Social Barriers Surrounding Education

We unlock the knowledge, by first removing social barriers surrounding education.


How our children view themselves and how they feel about the treatment received from the resources of education.


How male and female students approach economic and social barriers that limit, prevent or make very difficult entry into a strong institution of education.


Having the opportunity but lacking transportation to get them there, funding to pay tuition, the proper diet or rest needed to sustain their efforts to excel.


We focus on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child's natural psychological, physical, and social development.

1) Montessori education is not a phase or fad. The Montessori directress uses a philosophy and tools that have been accessible for over a century. Montessori schools do not continually fluctuate between programs, structure wise, because of its individualized approach to causing the child to learn. Each phase of Montessori educational methods is tailored to follow each child’s unique learning style in accordance to their sensory periods of learning; taking into consideration the speed in which they learn

2) Montessori educational methods fosters independence in each child. Everything in the child’s learning environment is used to cause the child to learn; even the directress in the classroom is part of the child’s curriculum. During the early childhood education stages of learning, the child is encouraged to do things for themselves that would normally be done for them by an adult. As children, infants through primary, striving to achieve autonomy each child develops a very important and necessary personality trait; intrinsic motivation. They no longer need, seek, or depend on the extrinsic motivation of others in-order-to succeed

3) Children are the “why” generation. As such, they have little to no trouble absorbing and understanding what appears to be complex information. If a child does not or cannot retain information, such as math over a period-of-time, it will have more to do with timing than their inability to learn and remember. Recognizing the sensory period, timing, is essential to causing the child to learn because it gives the directress access to the moments that the questions of why and how need to be answered. Through practice and repetition the child can see, comprehend and retain each intricate step in subjects such as those found in a mathematic equation.

4) It meets a child in their sensory period; where they are at that moment. As an individualized method of educating it allows the learning environment to be structured around the child and their unique needs. It allows the directress to monitor the child’s activity, their moods, listen to the tone and intonation of the child’s verbal and non-verbal ques; as well as role play the desired behaviors they wish the child to learn. It also allows the directress to develop a person to person relationship with each child. When the child feels the love of an adult interacting with them the challenges of learning remains exciting.

5) Each child will develop into a unique, independent and confident individual. The merging of psycho-educational philosophy of behavioral reconstruction methods and tools will allow directress to better understand the behavior of each child. A child, between the ages of 0 to 3, is no longer viewed as being a “bad child” but as a child “with an adsorbent mind”, which is the beginning of the ability to, first question, then assign meaning to everything it has encoded during the first three years of life. A 3-year-old child has a mind that is consciously driven to explore and understand the hows and whys of the world. Every child desires acceptance, to be acknowledged and to please their adult caregivers. As a child begin to learn, reason, understand and respect personal boundaries she/he begins to feel safe and secure. They are now ready to execute skill-sets needed to form healthy relationships between themselves and everything and everyone in their environment; while continuing to establish a legacy of “life-long learning”.

6) We succeed. High success rate.

Not a phase or fad

Tailored to follow each child’s unique learning style.

Fosters independence

Children are encouraged to do things for themselves.

“Why” generation.

Recognizing the sensory period, timing, is essential.

Sensory Refinement

Individualize method of educating.

Develops unique, independent and confident individuals.

Merges psycho-educational philosophy of behavioral reconstruction methods.

We succeed.

High success rate.


    As an academy founded on faith and holistic principles, BLMA utilizes Montessori and Psycho-Educational Philosophies to cultivate the emergences of socially diverse, multi-cultural, and multi-lingual young leaders; “Entrepreneurs of The Future”.

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    Through sound educational values and cognitive reconstruction principles BLMA strives to establish a “Safe & Sound Family Foundation” that will foster social balance, maintenance, and support of individuals, families, and communities; the makings of a “Great Nation”.

    Join us

    BLMA utilizes teaching strategies that recognizes, fosters, and endorses a “Quantum Leap” of innovative within entrepreneurial mindsets that are free to dream and hope in, of and on an invisible possibility; young leaders that will “Go the Distance”.

    Contact Us

The Power of Reading

Building strong imaginations one book at a time.

Meet Our Team

Dedicated. Determined. Dependable.

Dr. Eddie Blackwell
President, COO

Dr. Denise D Lessard-Blackwell
Vice President, CEO

Sarit Cohen
Director of Early Childhood Education

Colleen Jennings
Director of Secondary Education